Changing Script Content at runtime

Hello folks,

We are trying to find a way to change a Script at runtime So that when the Script triggers the Robot uses the new Orders.
Unfortunatly using NC-Code is not an Option, so I hope you can help me figure out a way to give the Robot different movement-commands at runtime.
Thanks in advance for your help!.

Best regards,


There are a few different option you can look into, as your question is quite vague I dont know exactly what equipment you have available or what your application does.

You can have aPLC write to a register on the robot, the robot then polls the value of theregister when required, and performs different actions at critical points of the program depending on the value in the register.

You can load pre-written programs on the robot via the dashboard server and have a PLC call and run programs

If you need to accurately control the path of the robot at runtime, research the servoj() URScript command. This is the command that should be used to control robot motion at the control frequency of the robot (500/125Hz for e-series/CB3 respectively), you can have a robot thread read information which generates the positions based on whatever inputs/data the robot recieves in its own registers

Hope this helps

Thank you for your quick response.
The difficulty is that we have a System that contains the robot, a PLC and a PC Programm. In the current state (made for a Fanuc and a Kuka) the PC creates a Pathplaning with Toolactions that are written in “robot code”. This file is than transfered to the robot and called at runtime of a state machine on the robot.
We have used your approach with the registers in an other project. But due to the fact, that this is more of “translativ” work we have to do it would be ideal to keep the current flow of information.

You could investigate sending the script required over the secondary client interface (available on port 30001 i think, something like that) you could then stop/start the script you run live, assuming your PC outputs script when required. The secondary client allows you to run your own URScript, without needing to compile a robot program, maybe this is more suitable to your needs