Can I make URCaps or send URScript in Windows 7

Can I create Urcaps in Windows 7?
or Can I access Urscript in Window 7

help me

you can create URCaps in a VirtualBox, as outlined in your previous topic here. Instructions for writing your first URCap can be found in the “Getting Strarted” section at the top of this page.

As for accessing URScript in windows,you don’t need to install write it, any text editor will do, notepad, notepad++ will both work. All you need to do is save the file with the .script extension. I would recommend using Atom, because there has been a URScript syntax-highlighter written (details can be found here). Which will make your script a little easier to understand. Have a look at the script files generated by a program in polyscope (In the simulator these can be found under ursim/ursim-x.x.xxxxx/programs.URx) for the structure of a script file, also see the script manual (available as a download from the support section of the UR website) for more information about syntax and the functions available in URScript.

Hope this helps.


thank you sam.hilton

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