Calling subprogramm from another subprogramm

I would second this, also for other reasons.

I’m making a quite large program, where I’m not the only developer, so even if I’m used with making script programs, some of my colleagues are not. I would also like to use this to show new colleagues in the future how to make complex programs simpler.

So to keep it quite simple, I need to have an overview with nodes in the GUI instead of writing loads of smaller script programs, where I would for example like to set TCP, manipulate and verify grippers in loads of different places. I first tried to separate it into very small subprograms, then I wanted to refactor bigger operation into a subprogram, but as of now, that means I can’t do it like that, as that bigger operation needs to also use those smaller subprograms.

My first work around idea was ofc to make the smaller simpler things into a script, well named, like the setting of the TCP. But then I need to hardcode the TCP values in the script, as I don’t seem to be able to get the TCP and payload as variables from anywhere. And for the gripper, it means I need to copy paste the script code from a URCap programnode (Which is not always neat.).

In the end, a complete mess, though better…

So right now I don’t see any other way than to broader subprograms for the major things (pick, manipulate, place etc) and just copy paste nodes for TCP setting, gripper manipulating and verification etc in multiple subprograms.

These small things would be sooooo much easier if I could just be allowed to run a subprogram in another subprogram. I don’t see the reason why it’s not allowed.

I did some quick calculations, my program which is now around 400 nodes in GUI could easily be under 300 if I could just use subprograms in subprograms.