URScript: "Compaling error: 'moveJ' is not defined"

I wanted to move the Robot to a Point A by using script-programming.
Here are the programms I’ve tried:

1 ### check first position is reachable by robot, then move to A
B = get_inverse_kin_has_solution(p[691.66,566.66,-223.80,1.645,1.616,-3.938],[0.0,3.14,1.57,0.785,0.0,0.0])
if (B == True):
A = get_inverse_kin(p[691.66,566.66,-223.80,1.645,1.616,-3.938],[0.0,3.14,1.57,0.785,0.0,0.0])
moveJ(A, a=1.4, v=1.05, t=0, r=0)

2 ### move to Position A
A = get_inverse_kin(p[691.66,566.66,-223.80,1.645,1.616,-3.938],[0.0,3.14,1.57,0.785,0.0,0.0])
moveJ(A, a=1.4, v=1.05, t=0, r=0)

3 ### move to given Position A, which isn’t saved as variable
moveJ(get_inverse_kin(p[691.66,566.66,-223.80,1.645,1.616,-3.938],[0.0,3.14,1.57,0.785,0.0,0.0]), a=1.4, v=1.05, t=0, r=0)

In all cases I get following notification: “Compaling error: ‘moveJ’ is not defined”
Here the link from where I’ve got the functions: scriptManual_SW5.11.pdf

What do I need to change?
Thank you in advance
Best regards


I believe you have a simple typo - it is “movej” instead of “moveJ”.

Hope that works for you.

Yes it did. Thank you.
But now I get a different error: “get_inverse_kin: inverse kinematics not possible. The robot cannot reach the desired position”
But I know the given coordinates are reachable, cause I tested it with the a Waypoint-Function.