UR3e Controlled by ROS2

Hi all! I am working on a UR3e for my thesis project and I am very new to ROS2 and robots in general. My project is to implement Speed and Separation Monitoring (SSM) through a LiDAR connected to a Raspberry Pi with ROS installed on it. So far I have managed to move the robot through MoveIt2! by going through this using the ur_robot_driver and the ‘Move the robot’ tutorial by UR. I have the following questions:

  1. Are there any other ways to control the robot from ROS? For example, can I have python code where I have a sequence of commands that the robot will follow?

  2. Is there an existing way that I can control the speed output of the robot during its whole operation?

  3. The gripper I am using does not have a readily available driver. Is it possible to connect an output port of the RPi to the input port on the controller of the UR that sends a signal to the gripper to open/close?