Teaching In Safeguard Stop

I am using a safety scanner to safeguard stop my robot when someone gets into its zone. The problem is, When they go to teach the robot, they are in the scanner zone and cannot move the robot at all (even in freedrive). What can i do to get past this?

Turn it off when you’re programming. When we design machines, we do this with a 2 position knob on the machine to set the cell into “Manual” or “Auto.” We prevent the machine from starting a cycle while the knob is in the “Manual” position, but when it’s in Manual, we bypass things like the area scanner. This can be done with relays, or if you don’t care about compromising the dual-channel nature of the safety signal, you can just jump 24v straight from the switch to the same safeguard stop terminals as your area scanner.

You can do this for SUPER cheap by just sticking a jumper wire from any Digital Output on the robot into the Safeguard Stop terminals. Tap the Output on, and now the safety is satisfied. Turn it off and safety is back to being controlled by the Area Scanner