Hi there,
I try to implement to read data streams from the UR controller using the socket interface and port 30003. To do this I’m using Matlab. If I want to read the actual position in X for example I read Byte 444-451, like described in the Client_Interface_V3.5.xls and convert it to a floating point number. But the value makes no sense. Here is my example code:
socketClientRTC= tcpip(TCPclient, 30003, ‘NetworkRole’, ‘client’);
data= socketClientRTC.fread;
dataCartPosX= [uint8(data(444)) uint8(data(445)) …
uint8(data(446)) uint8(data(447)) …
uint8(data(448)) uint8(data(449)) …
uint8(data(450)) uint8(data(451))];
floatPosX= typecast(dataCartPosX, ‘double’);
Thanks in advance,