Sending TCP position through socket and URscripts

I thougt var1 = P[x,y,0,0,0,rz] because z,Rx and Ry aren’t given in the example. so it would occur in an error where z,Rx and Ry are not defined. :see_no_evil: but indeed it is better to define z,Rx and Ry :innocent:

almost, P[x,y,z,rx,ry,rz] is a pose in base coördinates and you tell the cobot to move the tcp to that location(x,y,z) and in that oriantation (Rx,Ry and Rz are the rotation). to create a path you need to move from pose 1 to pose 2.

take al look in this thread: Robot theory and how to use it in UR robots
