Send positioning data to UR3 over Ethernet


I want to build a Visual Basic Program where I will send over ethernet positioning data.
How can I do this? Is there a special syntax to get data sent over Ethernet?


It is possible to sending script into primary interface with the socket.

Remote Control Via TCP/IP - 16496 (

There are different ways , the most simple one i think is with primary interface , i made this small code . Basicly if you send any UR command with s.send + encode utf8 at the end , it should understand it.
But remember that robot doesn´t return anything , so when you send a pose , python doesn´t know when the pose is reached. It´s not the bets way , but it works.

import socket

import time

HOST = “”

PORT = 30002

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

s.connect((HOST, PORT))

#s.send ((“movel (p[0.35963,-0.37947,0.03807,0.0,0.0,5.498], a=0.2, v=0.1)”+“\n”).encode(“utf8”))


#s.send ((“movel (p[0.35963,-0.37947,0.43807,0.0,0.0,5.498], a=0.2, v=0.1)”+“\n”).encode(“utf8”))
