ROS Noetic Rviz Transform Issue

I have a UR5e I am attempting to communicate with through the ROS Noetic driver. I went through the driver setup instructions and can get the robot to connect to the computer with the External Control URCap. The issue I am having is when going through this tutorial: Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver/ur_robot_driver/doc/ at master · UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver · GitHub

In the fist part I run the driver, then run Rviz. Rviz opens with the model, but it says there is no transform from base_link to shoulder_link. This also expectedly messes up the link transforms after the shoulder. Rviz says the URDF was parsed properly, and the base_link, base_link_inertia, and base are ok. I set my fixed frame to base_link as specified in the xacro and rviz files. Changing the fixed frame to anything else either does nothing or makes it worse. The tree at the bottom of the Rviz GUI also shows nothing after base_link_inertia, which should be shoulder_link.

I haven’t edited any of the files. To my understanding the command to open Rviz in the tutorial opens the same robot description file that the driver loads. I looked through all of them and nothing seems wrong; although, I am unfamiliar with the xacro format so I can’t be completely sure. The only thing I can think of at the moment is an issue with the rviz config file that gets loaded by the second command, but haven’t been able to test it yet.

Any ideas as to what might be wrong? At the time of writing this I am away from the robot so I can’t supply any pictures.

Thank you.