Robot Pose Repeatability

Hi everyone,

I’m currently setting up a test with the UR Robot. I’ve attached a displacement laser to the robot, which is aimed at a surface table. I’m moving the robot linearly along the X and Y axes while keeping the Z value constant throughout the movement. Theoretically, the laser readings shouldn’t change since the Z value remains constant. However, I’m noticing a 2-3mm variation in the Z readings. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this issue/ improve the robot’s accuracy?

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There is couple things here.

  1. are you simply jogging the robot? Because I would personally not expect the robot to jog in a very very precise manner
  2. if not, are you making Sure to us a blend radius of 0? In the points you are moving to? As otherwise you leave room for robot to miss the points by that distance.
  3. you could also simply be measuring the flatness of the table.
    Or how how well the robot is mounted on the table.
    Like do you see positive values on one side and negative value on the other side of the robot, that would likely indicate that the mounting is of.
    Or how wel the tool is mounted.

are you sure that your payload is correct ?

The robot does not move in a perfect linear way if you need no oscillation you need many waypoints. Also joggling is not precise at all. So make test only with automatic movement and with low speed. No cobot can be linear at high speed will be impossible to stay in torque limits.