Protective Stop - Enable robot from PLC

Hi, I’m doing the same with an S / -1200. Maybe you can share your S7-1200 FC code? This would be great! []


I have tried the same steps mentioned above, but we cannot get the PLC get connected with the robot. The status from TCON remains at 16#7000. Is there a way to fix this? I tried disconnecting as well, but it remains the same.

Best regards,

Hello vineeth1,

I use a TSEND_C instead of TCON etc. This function includes the TCON, TSEND and TDISCON, so it should be simpler to use. :slight_smile:
This is how I set up the connection between robot and PLC:


DATA (string) to send to unlock protective stop: ‘$Lunlock protective stop$L’
CONT establishes the connection to the UR when 1. Disconnects when 0.
REQ enables the send function when rising edge.
CONNECT is the DB with the connection configuration. It is created when setting up the configuration.

Hi @efn ,

I tried the above and still do not have my robot reacting to the message.


I trigger the connection when I have a protective stop, and send the data when that happens. But I still do not have any response from robot.

So the 7004 code tells you, that the function has established a connection to the UR. So far, so good. :slight_smile:

For the command to work from PLC to UR, the following must be done in the UR:

  • Enable Remote Control in Settings
  • Put robot in Remote mode
  • Make sure Dashboard is enabled in the Services

And as far as I remember, there’s a delay time on the protective stop. I don’t remember how long it is (3 or 5 seconds), but you have to wait a bit before unlocking the robot after a protective stop. :slight_smile:

Hi @efn and @vineeth1

If the robot is in “protective stop” (and if i remember correctly) u have to unlock the robot in a sequence…

S0 (Close Safety PupUp & Unlock Safety)–> S1 (Release Brake) → S2 (Play)
And it always depends on what is the actual Safety Mode of the Robot (which u will get through the profinet connection)


It was a bit tricky and took me quite a while to figure out how to get the Robot back into a state where i can start again after an protective stop…

Hi @efn @kadams

I have it working now thanks to TSEND_C block. We could get it running.

Thank you for the help again.

Best Regards,

You don’t need to close the safety popup, but you will have to release the brakes and start the program, yes. :slight_smile:

Here’s an example of how I have done it. The proper way is, of course, to check the state of the robot instead of using time delay. I started the robot again with a digital input. :slight_smile:


maybe i mismatch smth… :smiley:
i thought when u press the E-Stop, u have to close that PopUp first (otherwise its always shown on the robot panel?)

might b that i´m wrong… couldn´t use the robot since ages…

Greetings from Luxembourg!

No, you’re completely right. The pop-up will stay on the screen. :slight_smile:
I only use this dashboard function, when I am not using the TP at all, though. So it is not an issue in that case.

Hello everyone , your conversation was so helpful for me .Thank you for that. I was looking for reset,start program etc. from plc via ethernet-ip communication . But now i m just communicating via tcp for this part.
And i wanna ask something ; on eds file for example :
‘Robot Mode’ variable on %IB4 ,
‘Safety Mode’ on %IB24 ,
‘RobotBits’ on %IB16 (%ID4) ,
‘SafetyBits’ on %IB28 (%ID7) ,
I saw first 2 variables bits meaning on your conversation. but i couldnt see anywhere ‘RobotBits’ and ‘SafetyBits’ variables bits meaning. Can someone send documentation about that ?