In the description of a Pose, it says the last 3 values are “an axis-angle”, but if you look at a Waypoint, it shows a Rotation Vector as RX, RY, RZ. I am used to working with compound Euler angles (Yaw, Pitch, Roll), but haven’t worked with a rotation vector before.
Is there a way to convert between RPY and a Rotation Vector, either through math or a built-in script function, or a way a pose can be defined directly using YPR? I can’t find any examples in the manual or an explanation any further than pointing to a wikipedia page.
You can use the URScript codes rotvec2rpy(rotation_vector) and rpy2rotvec(rpy_vector) to convert the rotation vectors to RPY and vice versa in URScript.
They are both explained in the script manual.
Below are some example formulas that can be used in URScript before the above functions were implemented (, other methods might work just as fine.