MoveL: Tool Angular Speed

What is the tool angular speed of moveL function?

If the robot were to move from waypoints wp_1 to wp_2 where wp_2 is only tilted from wp_1. for example:
wp_1 = p[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
wp_2 = p[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0]

What’s the robot tool speed in rad/s and acceleration in rad/s/s, or at least the time of motion?

The speed is defined in the move command movej, movel, etc.

During the move the speed can be monitored using the get_actual_joint_speeds()

Hi @pho,

in movel command, the speed and acceleration parameters are defined in m/s and m/s/s.
My questions is about the angular speed and acceleration in rad/s and rad/s/s.

If you read my original question, it’s in regard a movel command where the robot head only rotates around the TCP without any translation.

For those who is still interesting to this topic.

MoveL() command in script works the following way:

  1. Linear velocity and linear acceleration are taken from parameters as is in m/s and m/s^2 accordingly.
  2. Angular velocity is derived from linear velocity: AngVel = 4 * LinVel, units are radians/sec. (example: LinVel = 0.1m/s, therefore AngVel = )
  3. Angular acceleration is devived from linear acceleration similar way: AngAcc = 4 * LinAcc, units are radians/sec^2.
  4. Motion profile (velocity vs. time) is calculated separately for linear and angular set of coordinates: Linear distance = sqrt( (x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2 + (z-z0)^2 ). Angular distance = sqrt( (Rx-Rx0)^2 + (Ry-Ry0)^2 + (Rz-Rz0)^2 ). Then trapezoidal profile is fitted for travel distance and calculated needed motion time.
  5. Whatever time is the largest - that motion profile will be used for actual motion. The other profile will be slowed down accordingly.