Is it possible to use RS-485 Modbus RTU with UR?

Hi Everyone,
I had read in another post that Modbus TCP is one of the supported communication methods. I purchased these stepper motor drivers which I had (I think wrongly) assumed support Modbus TCP. However, after receiving them I see they are not getting an IP address and there is very little documentation on them. The dedicated RTConfigurator is not available in English so I am not able to debug them yet.
I am wondering if anyone has any insight on this type of stepper motor drivers. Is it feasible to integrate this with our UR robot?

well it has modbus rtu.
you could have a look to this example where a modbus rtu is connected to the tool: GitHub - EbbeFuglsang/Modbus_URCap: A tool modbus RTU URCap

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You can use MODBUS TCP/RTU gateway in order to access and control MODBUS RTU device. Many company sells gateways. For example MOXA’s MGate MB3180/MB3280/MB3480 Series (my favorites).
You will address the resources as MODBUS TCP, and the gateway will redirect the requests to the MODBUS RTU devices, and will return the response right back the the UR MODBUS TCP client.

Svetozar Yolov

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I will check it out, thank you!

Good idea! Those you suggested are more industrial than I need for my R&D purposes. Do you think a gateway like this would work?

yes, this devices can do what you want. The important part is that the device must support MODBUS Gateway functionality (which this device does).
I recommend MOXA, because I use them in 90% of my projects related to MODBUS RTU communication (I have got more than 20 years of experience), and I am convinced in the quality they provide!

If you seek more price oriented solution, USR-DR132/USR-DR134 - “Lipstick” Size Serial Device Server from the same supplier also can do the job (no idea what is the price of this device) . It also support MODBUS TCP/RTU gateway functionality.

Both devices support up to 16 TCP clients (which is cool).

Svetozar Yolov