Get jointposition from waypoint in urcap

Our main problem is that we can’t use inverse kinematcs because we don’t know the qnear, we need to get it from the joint position, but to get the joint position we need the inverse kinematics!

In a waypoint I can get the pose like that

WaypointNode waypoint = (WaypointNode)t.getProgramNode();
WaypointNodeConfig waypointNodeConfig = waypoint.getConfig();
FixedPositionWaypointNodeConfig cfg = (FixedPositionWaypointNodeConfig)waypointNodeConfig;	
Pose p =  ((FixedPositionDefinedWaypointNodeConfig)cfg).getPose();

In a similar way we would like to access the joint configurations, i.e:

WaypointNode waypoint = (WaypointNode)t.getProgramNode();
JointPositions j =  waypoint.getJointPositions();

Do you think this feature will be available in future release?

We can’t use

get actual joint positions()

from the urscript api because the robots isn’t in that position when we are trying to access that information

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