

I am trying to create a waypoint using a predefined pose and joint positions.
The code works in the simulation.
UR software 3.13.0

I found out that the TCP is the difference between simulation and the “real” robot. The simulation has none TCP offset while the robot has a TCP offset of.
X: -0.45mm
Y: 3.33mm
Z: 442.78mm
RX: 1.8598
RY: -1.8526
payload 2.50kg
Center of gravity
CX: 0
CY: -100
CZ: 100

My question is why does this not work on the robot?

I use the correct solution to the pose obtained from a getUserDefinedRobotPosition(new RobotPositionCallback())
The waypoint appears in the tree with the correct pose but not the desired joint position.
I have tried to use the new way introduced in the urcap API 1.10.0, called
createfixedPositionConfig(PositionParameters positionParameters, BlendParameters blendParameters, WaypointMotionParameters waypointMotionParameters); but I can’t make an instance of PositionParameters without a RobotPositionCallback2 that would be okay if I then could save it in the DataModel but the does not have a set method I can use.
I have now tried with the positionParameters but get the same error.

outside the picture, the homeWaypointNode is added to a move tree.
I would really appreciate some help on this matter.

Hi mate this is your compiler issue, you have no need to worry about it. Just simply restart your browser and try it again and boom your problem is solved.