I’m currently working with a UR10 that cannot move the Elbow joint properly. I always get the C153A2 Protective Stop: joint positions deviates from path (Elbow), or C156A0 Protective Stop: Wrong payload or mounting detected, or something is pushing the robot when entering Freedrive mode.
The elbow joint is not moving like the other joints: when pressing the freedrive button, I can move all joints smoothly, except for the elbow, it seems to refuse to move. when trying to force the elbow to move, I can turn it for a few degrees before I get the protective stop warning. After releasing the freedrive button, and pressing it again, I get the error without even touching the robot. Without pressing the freedrive button and trying to push or pull the joints, none of them move, except again for the elbow joint, which I can turn it back and forth in a range of about 20~30 degrees. Sometimes it acts like if there was a spring pulling the arm back to some position.
I cannot move the elbow joint by the move tab of the controller. When trying to move any other joint, sometimes I get that error, sometimes I do not. But I never get to move the elbow without getting a protective stop. It does move for a few degrees sometimes and the movement of this joint is very abrupt before the protective stop happens.
In the Log window, I could also notice a C215A0 Kinematic Calibration does not match the robot. I found the instruction to check the robot and controller serial number, but it doesn’t match. The robot arm was replaced by another robot. It is the same model as the original, the only difference is the production number (serial number last digit).
I thought it could be the joint that is stuck but we couldn’t notice anything wrong with the break or the housing.