Deciding on 2 courses of action?

Is there a way to have the program flow consider 2 options to determine next actions to perform? We have a vacuum fixture mounted on a UR10e. When the arm moves down to pick up a part for machining, I would like the robot to consider whether 1) a digital input indicating a vacuum seal has been made, and then proceed with the machining operations, or 2) wait 5 seconds and if the vacuum seal has not been made, to halt the program and turn off the digital output which activates the vacuum. Right now if a vac seal is not made for some reason, the program continues waiting for the vac seal to be made (digital input); the program pauses with the vacuum output on and the vac tank is “drained”. I would like the program to wait for a vac seal no more than 5 seconds and then turn off the vacuum output and halt.

Does this make sense? Thanks for any insight into programming this kind of function.


What about a while loop that continues to run until the digital input is high (or low) and have a timer inside the loops that sets the output low and halts when it is or passes 5 seconds?

Something like this:


This is how i handled a failed pick, as part of a depalletizing function. Hope this helps!