Chat GPT knows UScript

just thought it was interesting that you can ask chat gpt how to program in usrcript.

Here is an example:

can you write me an example of how to communicate via tcp/ip socket messaging in urscript?


Sure, I can provide you with a basic example of how to communicate via TCP/IP socket messaging in URScript. Please note that URScript has limited support for socket programming, and the example below is a simplified demonstration.

In this example, the robot acts as a server, listening for incoming connections and receiving messages. The client sends a message to the robot, and the robot responds with a confirmation message.

Robot (Server) URScript:

urscriptCopy code

# Simple TCP/IP Socket Server Example

# Define the server port
PORT = 30002

# Start the server
socket_open("", PORT, "server")  # Replace "" with the robot's actual IP address

while True:
  # Wait for a client to connect
  new_client = socket_accept("server")

  # Receive data from the client
  data = socket_read_ascii_string(new_client, 1024)  # Adjust buffer size as needed

  # Process the received data (for simplicity, just print it)
  textmsg("Received message: ", data)

  # Send a confirmation message back to the client
  socket_send_string("Message received by the robot.", new_client)

  # Close the connection with the client

Client (Python for example):

pythonCopy code

import socket

# Define the robot's IP address and port
robot_ip = ""  # Replace with the robot's actual IP address
robot_port = 30002

# Create a socket connection to the robot
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
client_socket.connect((robot_ip, robot_port))

# Send a message to the robot
message_to_robot = "Hello, Robot!"

# Receive the confirmation message from the robot
confirmation_message = client_socket.recv(1024).decode()
print("Confirmation from robot:", confirmation_message)

# Close the socket connection

This is a basic example, and you might need to enhance it based on your specific use case and application requirements. Additionally, always consider error handling and security aspects when implementing socket communication.

be careful - that is not correct. there is no socket_accept in urscript. urscript only has socket CLIENT, not server.

it appears that chatGPT is trying to setup the robot as the socket server and python as the client.

whoops. I might have copied the wrong part. Either way. I find it very helpful just to get me started with basic code for most robot languages. I hate staring at a blank screen and trying to program from the ground up. It’s not perfect but still very helpful.

can you help me setup up tcp/ip connection in urscript with robot as client?

Certainly! To set up a TCP/IP connection in URScript with the robot as the client, you can use the socket_open and socket_send_string functions in URScript. Here’s a basic example:

# Define the server IP address and port
server_ip = ""  # Replace with your server's IP address
server_port = 12345  # Replace with your server's port number

# Open a socket connection to the server
socket_open("external_control", "tcp", server_ip, server_port)

# Check if the connection is successfully opened
if (socket_get_var("external_control", "state") == SOCKET_CONNECTED):
  textmsg("Connected to the server.")
  # Send a message to the server
  message_to_send = "Hello, server! This is the robot."
  socket_send_string("external_control", message_to_send)
  textmsg("Message sent: " + message_to_send)
  # Close the socket connection when done
  textmsg("Connection closed.")
  textmsg("Failed to connect to the server.")

In this example:

  1. Replace the server_ip and server_port variables with the IP address and port number of your server.

  2. The socket_open function is used to open a TCP socket connection to the specified server IP and port.

  3. We check if the connection is successfully opened using socket_get_var.

  4. If the connection is successful, a message is sent to the server using socket_send_string.

  5. Finally, the socket_close function is called to close the socket connection.

Make sure that your server is set up to accept incoming connections on the specified port. Also, handle incoming messages on the server side accordingly.

Remember that error handling and additional functionality should be added based on your specific requirements.

RE the first post:

I know there are errors but this is a useful post for people to learn from in terms of being cautious with the LLMs and a lot of the robot scripting languages that are python-esque.

A few more:

read_ascii_string isn’t a function. read_ascii_float has a hard limit of 30 as well so I’m not sure what it shot for with 1024 besides python examples. There is a 1024 byte limit on socket_read_string and socket_read_line but it wouldn’t have gotten that from the documentation as that limit is undocumented.

It also starts feeding new_client in as the socket_name argument to multiple functions after originally defining socket_name as "server".

Still not quite right

# Open a socket connection to the server
socket_open("external_control", "tcp", server_ip, server_port)

Can’t do + string concatenation operator in URScript.

textmsg("Message sent: " + message_to_send)

have to use str_cat(op1, op2)

These are backwards:
socket_send_string("external_control", message_to_send)

Testing with this:

if (socket_get_var("external_control", "state") == SOCKET_CONNECTED):

won’t work for testing connection. You can use the return from socket_open though which will give you True or False as to whether it worked.

Honestly with something like URScript I’d recommend searching URs support articles for examples (Pretty well written)

I will say that it looks like chatGPT has gotten worse at urscript. i experimented with writing urscript with gpt many months ago, and it did give me run-able script with more accuracy than this.

github copilot + Ahern’s urscript extension for vscode is WAY better at this.

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ive been meaning to try training an LLM with the urscript manual for some time, havent gotten to trying it yet

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