Hi all,
I’m having trouble programming our UR 10e.
We interface with the robot using a Python script package that we developed that interfaces with the robot interpreter.
For our use case of the robot, we would like to orient the end tool of the robot to be exactly perpendicular to the base plane of the world coordinates of the robot, at any given spatial coordinates.
So far, we have tried the various interpreter move commands (including movec, movej, movel, and movep), and have found that when passing poses to the robot, the robot stops moving once it arrives at the spatial coordinates of the move (in other words, if we try to tell the robot to move to a pose that only differs in the axis-angle orientation of the pose, the robot does not move at all because it seems to see itself as having already arrived at its destination).
If we tell the robot to change both its 3D position and orientation, then the robot will move and change the orientation of the tool along the way. The problem is, we would like to be able to essentially free-drive the robot over to where we want the tool approximately positioned, and then have the robot “fix” the orientation of the tool so that it is exactly perpendicular to the base plane of the world coordinates. We have also found that if the change in 3D space is too small, the robot will reach the endpoint in space and not finish changing the orientation of the tool.
So, overall, what is the most effective way to get the robot to change the orientation of the tool, without changing its overall position in space?
Thanks in advance for the help!