C309A0 C301A0 C264A0 C283A18 Problem

Hello, i have problem with our UR10, problem for by last day without anything wrong, today a lot of problems and errors.
Thats error shows robot while trying start the program and do start any moves, in our company robots do paletzing while program LOGISORT, if its improtant.
The errors was display when the robot was bot moving or when try do first move for pick up the tray.
Errors was in random order, dont know what to do more. One error is descripted about problem with teaching panel, but is correct connect and i using him. Any solutions?

Please reach out to your distributor and create a service case in myUR.


If you don’t have a myUR account yet, you’ll need to sign up and wait for account activation. Your distributor can create a case on your behalf to speed up the process.

Did you have a solution with this case?

Damaged cable from robot to control box - we have changed it. Check this and reply :slight_smile: