Abrupt stop on Wait node

I have a pretty standard machine tending (gaging) application - picks up parts & sets them on a gage. While part is being gaged, previous part is placed on a rack, then the robot picks up another part to gage. If the gage cycle isn’t finished, the robot waits 3 seconds & checks again.
However, when it goes into the wait mode, it stops very abruptly.
How can I do this more smoothly?
Should I put in a stopj() or stopl() ? If so, where? Documentation on those commands is lacking.

The last move command and the wait command are in different subprograms, but I wouldn’t expect that to make a difference.

Here’s the pseudo code from the .txt file with the

Subpgm “Pick up Part”
MoveJ # Last move command before Wait - joint speed 120, accel 80 deg/s

Subpgm “Remove_From_Gage”

 'Make sure previous measurement has completed'
 Loop loop_index_1<4 and (Venturi≟ False  or Pressure>4.001)
   Wait: 3.0						# Here's where it stops abruptly


 If loop_index_1≟3
   Popup: Halting program - timed out waiting for measurement to finish
 Set Venturi=On

I have a bit of trouble figuring out, how your program is put together from your description.
Is the MoveJ stopped before reaching the waypoint? In that case, you do need a stopl()/stopj() as the first thing executed after the exit of the MoveJ.
If your MoveJ does finish in the subprogram, then you shouldn’t need to decelerate “manually”. Could it be that you have set up a blend radius in the waypoint? If you have, then you will get a very abrubt stop, which is also bad for the robot. Simply remove the blend radius, and you should be fine. :slight_smile:

If your case is the first, then can you maybe upload your program? That will make it a lot easier to figure out what is going on.

Looks like the blend radius was the culprit. I’ll have to keep in mind to not put them in at the end of a move sequence.

On a similar vein – when this robot (and some of our others) is initially fired up at the initialize screen, it gives a significant jerk.
Payload setting seems to be reasonable, so I don’t know what else I can adjust.
Any suggestions?
This is a UR3e, we have a number of UR5e and a few UR10’s.

The brake release sequence during initializing is as it should be. It does jerk a bit harshly, I agree. :slight_smile:
The sequence has been changed a few times through the updates. Are you running the latest update? 5.17?

Yes, this is running 5.17.

Guess we’ll live with it.