Robot gets off path, restart fixes?

Ur10E running a dispense application 24/5 for about 10 months now.

My production & maintenance teams swear they are seeing this behavior, though I have never witnessed it myself.
The story goes that about 1/week the path will be out of position, and a simple reboot will fix that.

Has anyone seen this symptom before?

Had a customer mention something similar with one of our welding systems. Ended up just updating Polyscope and haven’t heard that they’ve had issues since. I certainly couldn’t replicate it.

I will check that for sure. I think that I updated this one a few months ago, but im sure there is an update available.

I have seen something similar with certain 3rd party grippers, which has built-in features to offset the TCP when gripping.

You’re saying it’s a dispense application, but any chance you’re using a gripper for something?

No gripper, fixed mount custom EOAT. The paths that ‘get off location’ are just basic MOVEP waypoints. Not using anything special

That does sound weird. I don’t know of a solution for it, I’m afraid.

I’d try slowing it down and see if that helps. It’s not unusual for encoders to produce erroneous results as speeds increase.