How to send the pose data to float register?

I wanted to send the robot position values(x,y,z,rx,ry,rz) to float register, which function need to use!!


Not sure you will be able to send a list of floats to a specific register. I see the command:

write_output_float_register(register #, float #.#)

in the URscript manual, however you would have to do six separate registers for each of the pose values.

Might want to try:

  • sending pose as string over socket communication
  • reading modbus registers
  • using RTDE to read real time position

Not super familiar with sending data over registers so someone else in urcommunity might have a better answer for you.

Anyways hope that helps, and good luck!


It takes 6 registers, write each of the pose values to a separate register.

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I have a similar question. My UR Robot is executing a script, which is sent through the secondary port.
I want to write 6 float numbers to a register using write_output_float_register, and ensure not interrupte the ongoing script .
How can I do this?
I sent the follow script by RTDE,it not workd. but secondary port is ok.
def writeOutputFloatRegister():
write_output_float_register(3, 1.1)
write_output_float_register(4, 2.2)
write_output_float_register(5, 3.3)
write_output_float_register(6, 4.4)
write_output_float_register(7, 5.5)