Crash when creating child nodes from and loading program - Custom API

Hi @ajp

What I implemented is the following:

Node contribution:

public class MyNodeToAddAndRemoveContribution implements ProgramNodeContribution, MyNodeToAddAndRemoveCustomAPI
// this is my node contribution

Node custom api interface:

public interface MyNodeToAddAndRemoveCustomAPI
// this is my custom api interface
// I have myself nothing inside this interface

  • In my root node, from which I will be able thanks to a checkbox to add and remove the node mentioned previously:
  1. I am using the ProgramNodeVisitor to retrieve the index of the MyNodeToAddAndRemove in my program hierarchy:

private int getMyNodeToAddAndRemoveIndex()
final int childIndex = new int[1];
childIndex[0] = -1;

TreeNode root = apiProvider.getProgramAPI().getProgramModel().getRootTreeNode(this);

root.traverse(new ProgramNodeVisitor()
  public void visit(URCapProgramNode programNode, int index, int depth)
      //System.out.println("Index: " + index);
      childIndex[0] = index;

// return -1 if the node does not exist
return childIndex[0];


  1. When the user enables or disables the check box:

public void setMyNodeToAddAndRemoveState(final boolean state)
this.undoRedoManager.recordChanges(new UndoableChanges()
public void executeChanges()

    // set the model state accordingly here
   // ...

    TreeNode root = this.programAPI.getProgramModel().getRootTreeNode(this);

    if (state)
      // add the node (in try-catch)
      if (ProgramNodeHelper.getChildrenNb(root) > 0)
        root.insertChildBefore(root.getChildren().get(0), this.programNodeFactory.createURCapProgramNode(MyNodeToAddAndRemoveService.class));
      // remove the node (in try-catch)
      int myIndex = this.getMyNodeToAddAndRemoveIndex();
      if (myIndex < 0)


  1. If some sub nodes must be added anyway and are not interactable through checkboxes, they must be added from the root node constructor only if the context is a node creation:

public MyRootNodeContribution(ProgramAPIProvider apiProvider, MyRootNodeView view,
DataModel model, CreationContext context)
// constructor
// do something
if (context.getNodeCreationType() == NodeCreationType.NEW)
TreeNode root = this.programAPI.getProgramModel().getRootTreeNode(this);
// in a try-catch

Sorry for the bad indentation. Other than that, that should do the trick. Let me know if you have any questions.

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