Servoj URScript (abrupt final motion)

First of all thank you very much for all the help, your replies help me a lot move forward with my project.

  1. Robot.command is an object that comes from the following source, which allows for RTDE communication with the robot using python
    Python 3 library to communicate with robot
  2. I understand now what you meant.
    Just to make sure. When I run my trajectory planning code, a set of 6 joint values is generated (different at each time t). I should run a loop that passes the output of my trajectory planning into servoj allowing it to follow that motion. That’s very similar to what I did but you are not using time increments instead you are saying to pass it to the input_double_registers and only trough them to the command servoj (which will assure that values are not skipped)

How can I create a loop condition? Before I had it to stop after some predefined time was reached, but how can I write the execution loop when using RTDE? (what will be the stopping condition?)

If you have any examples that would be priceless, if not I will manage